Thursday, May 22, 2014

Don't look back in anger

Following on from my musings on how small decisions can have dramatic effects on your future life (which touches on history) now i will touch on something more religious...

Often (and too often really) people lament past events, they wish things could have gone differently, they regret their past actions and how its come back to bite them. But really this is a waste of time. Our fates are decreed from birth, this is one of my most fundamental religious beliefs. I believe at birth our fates are decreed by one of the Great Gods and so our future lives follow a pre-defined plan. Of course we do not know this plan, this would take the fun out of existence...

So dwelling on the past is ultimately a waste of time, this is why i find it interesting how a minor decision could affect me in later life but i do not waste too much energy worrying about it or bemoaning the decisions made. Ideally i wouldn't worry about it at all but humans are imperfect creatures.

Now if your life is already predefined some might think that it therefore does not matter what you do as your ultimate fate is already fixed. Well it does matter as your decisions are pre-defined too. Its a computer program installed in us at birth. Luckily by someone a bit more skilled with programming than myself.

Now an important question arises, is there any point to prayer? If life is already defined can a prayer to the Gods change anything? Well its polite to pray to the Creator is it not? Praying for a change is probably pointless, the Gods have quite enough to do already i guess. Maybe they can amend your program though, modify your fate if you ask nicely enough...

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